Visit #2

Date and time: 7:30 PM September 25, 2013

Weather Conditions: A small breeze and cloudy cloudy

Temperature: 70º Farenheit
Length of day: 12h 3m 13s

Organisms/Sounds/Sights: I noticed a few squirrels scurrying from branch to branch on this visit. I didn't hear any tree frogs and I didn't hear nearly as many birds.

Other data or observations: The ground was very hard tonight and it was hard to get my soil sample. It was also a lot darker than it was on my last visit even though they were both the same time of night.


1 comment:

  1. If you look at your day length times, it's amazing how much has been lost since you were out last! Any ideas why the ground was hard? Is it more dry than it was last time?
