Awe and Stewardship Paragraph

Human Impacts

Human impacts affect both awe and stewardship. There has to be a balance between the two. There can’t be too much awe because then there wouldn’t be enough stewardship.

We have to take care of the earth that God has given us. We need to keep things living and to be good stewards of his creation. There is also a time and a place for awe. For us to go outside and to enjoy his creation. To see the work of God’s hand through hiking, canoeing, biking, things like that. As humans we impact both. We have the power to build up or tear apart the earth and life. We also have the power to enjoy it. We need to have a balance of both, because without one  the other can’t function properly.

1 comment:

  1. I like this start...a recognition of some of the importance but also complexity.
