Visit #6

Date and time: 12:38 PM November 22, 2013

Weather Conditions: Snow on the ground, temperatures below freezing, sunny and cold

Temperature: 21ยบ Farenheit
Length of day: 9h 17m 43s

Organisms/Sounds/Sights: This is my first visit with snow on the ground. All the leaves are off the trees and on the ground now but they are covered by snow. I didn't observe any animals or hear any birds while I was doing my visit and taking pictures. There wasn't much left of the fungi I saw on my last two visits. The fungi was all shriveled and much of it was gone.

Other data or observations: I did see many animal footprints in the snow showing that there are still organisms at my location. It was cool to see the tracks in the snow because normally if you don't see animals then you don't know they are there.



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