Visit #4

Date and time: 4:48 PM October 30, 2013

Weather Conditions: Cloudy no breeze, and very overcast.

Temperature: 60º Farenheit
Length of day: 10h 22m 14s

Organisms/Sounds/Sights: I saw some mushrooms or fungi growing on the tree stump right next to where I get my soil samples from. That has grown on the stump since the last visit I made.

Other data or observations: There were a bunch of leaves I had to clear and the ground was very hard. This is probably because of the cold weather that we have been having and even some snow. This hardens the ground and makes it colder.


Visit #3

Date and time: 4:00 PM October 14, 2013

Weather Conditions: Sunny and a slight wind.

Temperature: 58º Farenheit
Length of day: 11h 5m 59s

Organisms/Sounds/Sights: I saw a squirrel running up a tree while getting my dirt sample. I also saw some robins which surprised me because they normally fly south this time of year.

Other data or observations: The ground was soft from recent rainfall. The length of day has been shrinking rapidly lately. I noticed that there was a large number of leaves that had already fallen from the trees.
